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Border Control Agency

Border Control Agency Average ratng: 7,3/10 5770 reviews
(FI) Mr President, the link betweenaborder control agencyand integration is a trifle [..] [..]
the Finnish Presidency we shall also seek concrete suggestions and proposals for the work of such an agency.
[..] Presidente, il legame tra l’Agenzia di controllo delle frontiere e l’integrazione [..]
è alquanto blando dal mio
punto di vista, ma durante la Presidenza finlandese cercheremo anche suggerimenti e proposte concrete per il lavoro di tale Agenzia.
[..] be speeded up on the EuropeanBorder Control Agencyand also, in the medium term, [..]
on setting up a European border guard service.
[..] accelerare i lavori dell'Agenzia europea per la gestione delle frontiere e, a medio termine, [..]
creare una Guardia di frontiera europea.
[..] the new institutions, the EuropeanBorder Control Agencyand the European Human Rights Agency, [..]
are really able to
[..] Istituzioni – l’Agenzia europea per il controllo delle frontiere e l’Agenzia europea per [..]
i diritti umani – siano
veramente in grado di svolgere un’opera sostanziale ed efficace.
[..] substantial change related to theborder control agency,Frontex, appropriations [..]
for which were increased by EUR 30 million.
[..] significativo è connesso all’agenzia di controllo delle frontiere, Frontex, per la [..]
quale gli stanziamenti sono
[..] timetable for theborder control agency,Frontex, which [..]
Parliament had called for have been made.
La sua creazione è conforme alla procedura di bilancio [..]
[..] strengthening co-operation amongborder control agenciesby, inter alia, establishing [..]
and maintaining direct channels of communication.
[..] della cooperazione fra le agenzie di controllo delle frontiere, fra l’altro, istituendo [..]
e mantenendo canali di comunicazione diretti.
It was, moreover, with this in mind that theBorder Control Agencywas created.
Inoltre l’Agenzia per il controllo delle frontiere è stata creata proprio [..]
A first step would be to create, in cooperation with the EuropeanBorder Control Agency,a body of European inspectors and border guards, while ensuring [..] [..]
basic training course, and by developing mutual exchanges more, which at the moment are too irregular.
[..] in collegamento con l'Agenzia europea per la gestione della cooperazione operativa alle frontiere esterne, un corpo di guardie di frontiera e di ispettori [..]
europei, prevedendo
al medesimo tempo un modulo di formazione comune per tutti i doganieri e sviluppando maggiormente gli scambi reciproci, che attualmente hanno carattere troppo episodico.
This includes improving the operational capabilities
[..] and resources of theborder control agencyFRONTEX, applying a joint [..]
asylum policy, stepping up the implementation of a Blue Card system for legal immigration and establishing close partnerships with the countries of origin of illegal migration.
Per vincere la lotta contro l’immigrazione illegale e il traffico di esseri umani è necessaria un‘azione più coordinata che includa, tra l’altro, un potenziamento delle capacità operative e
[..] delle risorse dellagenzia di controllo frontaliero FRONTEX, l’applicazione [..] [..]
comune, l’accelerazione dell’applicazione del sistema Blue Card per gli immigrati regolari e uno stretto partenariato con i paesi d’origine dell‘immigrazione clandestina.
Enhancing the coordination of operational co-operation
[..] by the Member States onborder controlthrough the FrontexAgencyconstitutes an important [..]
operativa tra Stati
[..] membri nel settore del controllo delle frontiere attraverso l'Agenzia Frontex rappresenta [..]
(4) At its meetings of 18 and 19 June and of 29 and 30 October 2009, the European
[..] [..] need for strengthenedborder controloperations coordinated by theAgencyand for clear rules [..]
of engagement for joint
patrolling and the disembarkation of rescued persons.
(4) Nelle riunioni del 18 e 19 giugno e del 29 e 30 ottobre 2009 il Consiglio europeo ha sottolineato la
[..] [..] potenziare le operazioni di controllo di frontiera coordinate dall'Agenzia e di definire chiare [..]
regole d'ingaggio per il
pattugliamento congiunto e lo sbarco delle persone soccorse in mare.
[..] on data sent by Member Statesborder controlauthorities to the FrontexAgencywithin the framework of the Frontex [..]
Risk Analysis Network (FRAN).
[..] dati comunicati dalle autorità di controllo alla frontiera degli Stati membri all’agenzia Frontex nel quadro della [..]
rete di analisi dei rischi Frontex (FRAN).
2. The Agency shall set up and keep centralised records of equipment in a technical equipment pool composed of equipment owned either by the Member
[..] [..] equipment co-owned by the Member States and theAgencyfor externalborder controlpurposes.
2. L'Agenzia crea e conserva un registro centralizzato della dotazione di attrezzature tecniche comprendente le attrezzature di controllo delle frontiere
[..] [..] membri o dell'Agenzia e le attrezzature in comproprietà degli Stati membri e dell'Agenzia.
It is also important to ensure complementarity between the activities in the field of customs, as
[..] [..] and activities in the field ofcontrolof people at the external borders including those of the ExternalBorder Agency.
È importante altresì garantire la complementarietà tra le attività svolte nel settore doganale, finanziate nel quadro del programma Dogana
[..] [..] realizzate nell’ambito del controllo delle persone alle frontiere esterne, segnatamente dall’Agenzia europea per la gestione [..]
della cooperazione operativa alle frontiere esterne.
[..] Akkerman' is an inter-agencyand international jointborder controloperation (JBCO) run [..]
by EUBAM and Europol, together with
[..] è un'operazione inter-agenzie e internazionale di controllo alle frontiere comuni, gestita [..]
dall'EUBAM e dall'Europol
The Agency shall set up and keep centralised records of equipment
[..] [..] equipment pool composed of equipment owned by Member States or by theAgencyfor externalborder controlpurposes.
2. L'Agenzia crea e conserva un registro centrale del parco
[..] [..] comprendente le attrezzature di controllo delle frontiere esterne di proprietà degli Stati membri o dell’Agenzia.
FRONTEX, theagencyfor coordinatingborder controlcooperation between Member States, has been instrumental to the [..]
FRONTEX, l'agenzia che coordina la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri per i controlli di frontiera, ha avuto un ruolo [..]
A key objective in this area is the EuropeanBorder Agencyto pave the way for the creation of a European Border Guard Corps with adequate means to execute tasks of surveillance andborder controlin support of national authorities.
[..] ambito ècostituito dall’Agenzia europea per le frontiere esterne che dovrebbe preparare il terreno per la creazione di un corpo di guardie di frontiera europee, dotato di mezzi adeguati per espletare mansioni di sorveglianza e di controllo delle frontiere a sostegno delle autorità [..]
[..] invited to set up in conjunction with Europol and the EuropeanBorder Agencyanetwork of national experts on preventing and combating terrorism and onborder control,who will be available to respond to requests from third countries [..]
for technical assistance
in the training and instruction of their authorities.
creare, in
[..] collaborazione con l'Europol e l'agenzia europea per la gestione della cooperazione operativa alle frontiere esterne, una rete di esperti nazionali in materia di prevenzione e lotta al terrorismo e di controllo delle frontiere, incaricati di [..] [..]
terzi per formare e guidare le autorità di questi ultimi.
The United Kingdom was denied the right to take part in the adoption of Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 of 26 October 2004 establishing a European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the
[..] [..] the Member States of the European Union (theBorder AgencyRegulation), despite having given notice of [..]
its wish to do so pursuant
to Article 5(1) of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union (the Schengen Protocol) and to Article 3(1) of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Il Regno Unito si è visto negare l'esercizio del diritto di partecipare all'adozione del regolamento (CE) del Consiglio 26 ottobre 2004, n. 2007/2004, che istituisce un'Agenzia europea per la
[..] [..] operativa alle frontiere esterne degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea (in prosieguo: il «regolamento [..]
n. 2007/2004»), nonostante
avesse manifestato il desiderio di prendervi parte conformemente all'art. 5, n. 1, del Protocollo sull'integrazione dell'acquis di Schengen nell'ambito dell'Unione europea (in prosieguo: il «Protocollo di Schengen») e all'art. 3, n. 1, del Protocollo sulla posizione del Regno Unito e dell'Irlanda.
Lastly, regarding the two agencies in respect of which a proposal for a Regulation has already been presented and is being examined or is in the process of being adopted (the
[..] [..] and the Community FisheriesControl Agency4), the Commission will as necessary [..]
present proposals
for amendments with a view to harmonising the texts for all the Community agencies.
Infine, per quanto riguarda le due agenzie oggetto di una proposta di regolamento in corso di esame o di adozione
[..] [..] sostanze chimiche3 e Agenzia comunitaria di controllo della pesca4 ), la [..]
Commissione, se necessario,
presenterà proposte di modifica per armonizzare i testi dell’insieme delle agenzie comunitarie.
The future Europeanagencyfor externalborder controlthat is expected to be [..] [..]
develop, a common core curriculum for training border patrols and will provide training at European level for instructors for the Member States’ national border patrols.
La futura Agenzia europea per il controllo delle frontiere esterne, che diverrà [..] [..]
e svilupperà un curriculum comune per la formazione delle guardie di frontiera e offrirà una formazione a livello europeo per gli istruttori delle guardie nazionali di frontiera degli Stati membri.
Among them: priority of attention to the recovery and conversion of dismissed industrial areas, as a consequence of the delocalisation processes on the way; activation of a sort of a territorial outplacement for the identification of areas and infrastructures useful for the logistics industry (where the accessibility via road and rail, first of all, represents a plus); start up of a sort of agency for the logistics (area by area) structured as an enterprise where the private interests (represented by the real estate companies) match with the ones of
[..] [..] charge for planning and thecontrolof the territory (the local authorities), both of them as stockholders of that sort ofagency.
Tra queste: priorità di attenzione al recupero e alla riconversione delle aree industriali dismesse, come conseguenza dell’avviato processo di delocalizzazione; attivazione di una sorta territorial outplacement per l’identificazione di aree e infrastrutture utili per l’industria logistica (dove l’accessibilità via strada e via ferrovia, prima di tutto, rappresenta un valore aggiunto); avvio di una sorta di agenzia per la logistica (area per area) strutturata come una impresa dove gli interessi privati (rappresentati dalle società immobiliari) si incontrano con quelli dei
[..] [..] pianificare e controllare il territorio (le autorità locali), entrambi come partner del capitale di rischio di tale agenzia.
The establishment of the commonborder agency,coordination betweenborderauthorities, with joint training involved, and the preparation of common risk analyses and of common projects for exploiting the new technological advances are all elements that will strengthencontrolat the external borders.
L’istituzione di un’Agenzia comune per le frontiere, il coordinamento tra autorità di frontiera, che implica anche la formazione comune, e la preparazione di analisi dei rischi comuni e di progetti comuni per sfruttare gli avanzamenti tecnologici sono tutti elementi destinati a rafforzare il controllo alle frontiere esterne.
Actions implemented by Member States are co-financed by the Fund within the five priorities laid down in these EU guidelines7 : (1) the
gradual establishment of the common integrated border management
[..] system (infrastructure and equipment,border control);(2) national components of a European [..]
Surveillance system for the external borders and a permanent
European Patrol network at the Southern maritime borders; (3) the issuing of visas and the tackling of illegal immigration (consular offices and consular cooperation); (4) IT systems required for the implementation of EU legal instruments (SIS, VIS) and (5) the effective and efficient application of EU acquis on external borders and visas (Schengen Borders Code, Visa Code, training, risk analysis, core curriculum).
Le azioni attuate dagli Stati membri sono cofinanziate dal Fondo nell’ambito delle cinque priorità sancite negli orientamenti dell’Unione europea7 : (1) graduale istituzione del sistema
[..] [..] gestione delle frontiere (infrastrutture e attrezzature, controllo delle frontiere); (2) [..]
componenti nazionali di un Sistema europeo di sorveglianza delle frontiere esterne e di una rete europea
permanente di pattuglie costiere alle frontiere marittime meridionali; (3) rilascio di visti e lotta contro l’immigrazione clandestina (servizi consolari e cooperazione consolare); (4) sistemi informatici necessari all’attuazione degli strumenti giuridici dell’Unione europea (SIS, VIS) e (5) attuazione effettiva ed efficace dell’acquis dell’UE in materia di frontiere esterne e visti (codice frontiere Schengen, codice dei visti, formazione, analisi dei rischi, programma di formazione).
  1. Border Patrol Uk
  2. Us Border Control Agency

Skip to main content. United States Flag. Official Website of the Department of Homeland Security. Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office.

A Guatemalan boy who died on Christmas Eve while in United States custody was moved among at least four crowded facilities at the border over the six days from his apprehension until his death.

That chronology, provided by government officials, underscores how stretched the facilities and their staff are in handling the surge of Central American families reaching the southwest border, particularly minors.

Kirstjen M. Nielsen, the secretary of homeland security, acknowledged on Wednesday that the “dramatic increase” had pushed the system to “a breaking point.”

She said she had ordered her agency to bolster medical screenings of children at the southwest border and had enlisted the medical corps of the United States Coast Guard to assist. The secretary also said that she would travel to the border this week to personally observe the screenings.

“Moving forward, all children will receive a more thorough hands-on assessment at the earliest possible time post-apprehension — whether or not the accompanying adult has asked for one,” Ms. Nielsen said in a statement.

Jump to A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005–2007) - Panic! At the Disco recorded its first demos while its members were in high school. Shortly after, the band recorded and released its debut studio album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005). Popularized by the second single, 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies', the album was certified double platinum in the US. Panic at the disco first album songs. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out is the debut studio album by American rock band Panic! At the Disco. Produced by Matt Squire, the album was released on September 27, 2005, on Decaydance and Fueled by Ramen. At the Disco is an American rock band that originated in Las Vegas, Nevada. Their 2005 debut album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, reached number 13.

Most of the circumstances surrounding the boy’s death remain unknown. It is not clear whether his health deteriorated because of neglect by personnel in the facilities, the perilous journey, or a combination of these factors.

“This crisis is exacerbated by the increase in persons who are entering our custody suffering from severe respiratory illnesses or exhibit some other illness upon apprehension,” Ms. Nielsen said. “Given the remote locations of their illegal crossing and the lack of resources, it is even more difficult for our personnel to be first responders.”

The secretary placed the blame on an immigration system that she said rewarded parents for sending their children to cross the border alone and brought few consequences for parents who bring their children with them into the country. “Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders,” she said. “Smugglers, traffickers, and their own parents put these minors at risk by embarking on the dangerous and arduous journey north.”

She said that until the two deaths, of the 8-year-old Guatemalan boy late on Dec. 24 and a 7-year-old Guatemalan girl earlier this month, it had been more than a decade since a child had died in custody at the border.

Democratic lawmakers pushed back on Wednesday. Representative Nancy Pelosi, the speaker-designate of the House, deemed the death of two children in United States custody “unconscionable” and called on Congress to investigate.

Representative Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said, “There is no question that the system is not working.” Mr. Thompson said he would immediately call department officials to testify after he takes up the committee gavel in January.

The boy, who had entered the United States with his father, was identified by Guatemalan authorities as Felipe Gomez Alonso. Nearly three weeks earlier, Jakelin Caal Maquin, also traveling with her father, died in Border Patrol custody.

Some 2,100 migrants have been arriving daily at the southwest border. All told, nearly 60 percent of them are families and minors traveling alone. Last month, federal agents arrested a record 25,172 families, most of whom were fleeing violence and poverty.

After the two deaths and amid an apparent spread of illnesses, American officials have requested the help of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to investigate a spike in the number of migrants arriving sick at the border.

“We’re doing dozens of hospital trips every day with children that have fevers or manifest other medical conditions,” said Kevin K. McAleenan, the commissioner for Customs and Border Protection, the Homeland Security agency responsible for detaining and processing the arriving migrants.

“We need to budget for medical care and mental-health care for children in our facilities,” Mr. McAleenan said on CBS This Morning on Wednesday.

Border facilities, where migrants are held after being intercepted by federal agents or after being processed at a port of entry, were “not built for that group that’s crossing today,” he said. “They were built 30, 40 years ago for single adult males and we had a different approach.”

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which receives migrants discharged from border facilities, has itself been struggling to find enough space in family detention centers and other shelters in the interior of the country because they are at nearly full capacity. ICE has dropped off hundreds of migrants in El Paso in recent days, and advocates said that they had been notified that another 500 or more would be released there and in Las Cruces, N.M., late on Wednesday.

The American Association of Pediatrics recommended in a report last year that children not be detained in the border facilities commonly known as “hieleras,” Spanish for “iceboxes,” because of the typically low temperature inside. Lights are always on, everyone sleeps on mats on the ground and the only covers available are Mylar sheets, according to migrants who have been held there.

Border Patrol Uk

“The conditions might make children ill or make their conditions worse, if they are already ill,” said Colleen Kraft, president of the association.

In an interview, Dr. Kraft said that the detention facilities conduct no systematic screening beyond recognizing when a child is obviously sick. An academy report published last year said that children were checked for lice, scabies and chickenpox during cursory screenings.

Border Control Agency

Federal authorities said that both emergency medical technicians and paramedics have started conducting interviews of minors and adults to assess current medical complaints and get their medical histories.

Warriors orochi 4 weapons guide. Dr. Kraft said that she was encouraged that Mr. McAleenan, the commissioner, had contacted her to discuss possible collaboration, and that her association had offered to recruit a team of pediatricians to train border agents to identify when children are unwell.

“What we are asking for is to have pediatric expertise available to train medical personnel, monitor conditions in the facilities and be part of the accountability for caring for these children,” said Dr. Kraft. “A child in early stages of severe illness has subtle findings. It takes someone with trained pediatric experience to recognize these signs.”

Democratic lawmakers and immigrant advocates blamed the recent deaths and the increase in migrants who fall ill on a Trump administration policy known as “metering,” which limits the number of asylum-seekers allowed into the country each day through an official entry point.

For instance, immigration authorities at the San Ysidro border crossing, near San Diego, have said they can process about 100 migrants each day, though rates have dipped as low as 40 a day. To avoid the long wait times, which can extend months, some migrants take circuitous routes to reach the border and cross between ports of entry, sometimes in remote areas.

“The administration’s policy of turning people away from legal ports of entry, otherwise known as metering, is putting families and children in greater danger,” said Joaquin Castro, a Texas Democrat who is chairman-elect of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Michelle Brané, director of migrant rights and justice at the Women’s Refugee Commission, said, “As long as C.B.P. continues to refuse people access to ports of entry and drive people into dangerous situations, children’s health is at risk.”

Customs and Border Protection officials on Wednesday outlined a series of steps they plan to take in the aftermath of the deaths of the two children, including securing help from ICE to alleviate capacity issues that have kept migrants in its facilities for extended time.

But the swelling number of families and unaccompanied minors has also stressed that agency’s capacity to transport and house migrants inside the country.

Authorities aim to keep children in border facilities only temporarily, ideally three days, and not more than 20 days in residential centers run by ICE in the interior of the country.

At the border, they are not bound by a firm 72-hour deadline to transfer children but must still do so “as expeditiously as possible,” said Carlos Holguin, the lawyer who represents minor children in a legal accord that limits their time in detention.

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On Wednesday, federal authorities provided new details about Felipe’s final days, during which he was shuttled with his father from facility to facility before his death.

Felipe was arrested with his father around 1 p.m. on Dec. 18, just three miles from the Paso Del Norte Port of Entry in El Paso. They were returned to the entry point late that afternoon.

Two days later, on Dec. 20, they were transported to the El Paso Border Patrol Station, where they showered and received food, juice and water. Because of crowding there, they were transported yet again, to a Border Patrol station in Alamogordo, N.M., around midnight on Saturday.

On Monday morning, an agent noticed that Felipe was coughing and that his eyes seemed “glossy.” About 30 minutes later, he was taken, with his father, to the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center.

Hospital workers diagnosed Felipe with a cold and gave him Tylenol, but held him for observation after determining that he had a 103-degree fever. They released him with prescriptions for antibiotics and Ibuprofen that afternoon.

Felipe and his father were taken to a “temporary holding” facility, according to authorities, at a highway checkpoint, and border agents gave the child medication at about 5 p.m. Two hours later, he vomited, but his father declined medical assistance when Felipe appeared to be better. That account could not be corroborated by Felipe’s father.

Around 10 p.m. on Dec. 24, Felipe was lethargic and nauseated again, so agents took him again to the hospital. En route, he vomited and fainted. On arrival, hospital staff were unable to revive him, and declared him dead just before midnight. The authorities previously said that Felipe died early Tuesday.

The father and son, according to a spokeswoman for the Guatemalan foreign ministry, are from Nentón, a rural municipality near the Mexican border in Huehuetenango. The impoverished province sends more migrants than any other to the United States.

Us Border Control Agency

The family has asked for the boy’s body to be returned to Guatemala after an autopsy is performed, and the foreign ministry will ask for a formal investigation by the immigration authorities and the hospital. The foreign ministry has been in contact with the boy’s mother and a sister.