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sate 1
Free ged classes online no cost. All are sated with this deep draught of pleasure, and eager to commence another trapping campaign; for hardship and hard work, spiced with the stimulants of wild adventures, and topped off with an annual frantic carousal, is the lot of the restless trapper.
(sāt)tr.v.sat·ed, sat·ing, sates2. To provide (someone) with more than enough; glut.
[Probably alteration of Middle English saden, from Old English sadian; see sā- in Indo-European roots.]
sate 2
(sāt, săt)v.Archaic
adjectivesatisfied, satiated, slaked, indulged to the fullchildren happily sated with ice cream
[ˈseɪtɪd]adj → repu(e), rassasié(e)to be sated with sth → être rassasié(e) de qch
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Satdl 8800 Hyper
Satdl Starsat
11/22-24/63 | Activities of November 22-24, 1963 |
AAG | Assistant Attorney General |
ACK | Acknowledge(s) |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
ACT | Activities |
ADMIN | Administrative |
AFFIL | Affiliation |
AKA | Alias/Aliases |
ARTIC | Arctic |
A/O | And/Or |
ASSA | Assassination |
ASSOC. | Associates |
ASSOC WITH LHO | Association with Oswald, Lee |
A/T | Airtel(s) |
ATT | Attached |
BACKYARD | Backyard Photograph |
B/F INT | Business and Financial Interest |
BUSS | Business |
BKG | Background |
CC | Church Committee |
CIT | Citizen |
CO | Company |
CONSPR | Conspiracy |
CONV AND SUBS EVENTS | Conviction and Subsequent Events |
CP | Communist Party |
CS | Clay Shaw |
DA | District Attorney |
DAG | Deputy Attorney General |
DEFECT | Defection to Russia |
DEMOH | George DeMohrenschildt |
DF | David Ferrie |
DID | Domestic Intelligence Division |
DIV | Division |
DLPD | Dallas Police Department |
DOC | Document(s) |
DRE | Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil |
DTD | Dated |
EBF | Enclosure Behind File |
EMP | Employment |
ENC | Enclosure(s) |
ENT TO BASE OF PS | Entrance to Basement of Police Station, November 24 |
EVID | Evidence |
FAM WITH POL | Familiarity with the Police |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FPCC | Fair Play for Cuba Committee |
FPT | Fingerprints |
GID | General Investigative Division |
HDW | Handwriting |
HSCA | House Select Committee on Assassinations |
IDENT | Identification |
INC | Includes |
INSTR | Instructions |
INTEL | ntelligence |
INTV | Interview(s) |
INVEST | Investigation |
JACQ K | Jacqueline Kennedy |
JBS | John Birch Society |
JC | John Connally |
JFK | John Kennedy |
JFK, NAR A/O AOKRI | JFK, News Articles Regarding Assassination And/Or Activities of Key Related Individuals |
JG | James Garrison |
JR | Jack Ruby |
JR, IGRHB A/O HAS | Jack Ruby, Information Gathered Regarding His Background and/or His Suspected Associates |
JURE | Junta Revolucionaria Cubana |
LAB | Laboratory |
LABOR | Labor Union Activities |
LBJ | Lyndon B. Johnson |
LCN | La Costra Nostra |
LHM | Letter Head Memorandum(s) |
LHO | Lee Harvey Oswald |
LOC | Located |
LTR | Letter |
LTRS | Letters |
MCO | Marguerite Oswald |
MED | Medical |
MED/PERS HIST | Medical and Personal History |
MIL | Military |
MIL SERV | Military Service |
MNO | Marina Oswald |
MRP | Michael Paine |
NAAWP | National Association for the Advancement of White People |
NCK | Name Check(s) |
NEG | Negatives(s) |
NSRP | National States Rights Party |
OC | Organized Crime |
OP | Oswald Period |
PC | Pike Committee |
PDT | Police Department |
PMH | Parkland Memorial Hospital |
POLIT | Politics/Political |
POST-OP | Post-Oswald Period |
POST-RP | Post-Russian Period |
PPT | Palm-prints |
PRELIM | Preliminary |
PRE-OP | Pre-Oswald Period |
PRE-RP | Pre-Russian Period |
PREP | Preparation |
PRES AT PS | Presence at Police Station, November 22 |
PSYCH EXAM | Psychiatric Exam |
RACK AND SUBV | Racketeering and Subversive Activities |
RC | Rockefeller Commission |
REL | Relative(s) |
REL WITH JM | Relationship with James Martin |
RES | Residence |
REQU | Request |
RFK | Robert F. Kennedy |
RHP | Ruth Paine |
RP | Russian Period |
RPT | Report(s) |
R/S | Routing Slip(s) |
RTN | Return |
RUSS | Russia/Russian |
RUSS SPK ASSOC | Russian-Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas |
SATDL | FBI Agents Travel to Dallas |
SERV | Service |
SNFE | Second National Front of Escambray |
S/S | Search Slip(s) |
SUBV | Subversive |
SUSP | Suspect(s) |
SWP | Socialist Workers Party |
TELCAL | Telephone Call(s) |
TEST | Testimony |
TEST BEFORE WC | Testimony Before the Warren Commission |
TRA | Travel |
TSBD | Texas School Book Depository |
TTY | Teletype(s) |
TYW | Typewriting |
UNK | Unknown |
WIT | Witness |
YCL | Young Communist League |